Sunday, October 26, 2003
I'm 37.5 % on the "does your weblog own you" survey, and I stretched a couple of answers. Lately, I have disowned, or been disowned by my weblog: it has simply become too low of a priority, too low of return on investment. But I miss it.
I wanted to post an event from this week's class. I am asking my students to journal for the next 2.5 weeks, and I gave them some options, although as a class we decided on one. About 4 wanted to keep notebooks, I think 4 wanted to keep their personal blog, no one wanted to do the class weblog, and about 9 wanted to keep their notes in the Blackboard group Discussion Board. Blackboard won out because they check it daily or frequently--they prefer one stop shopping. One student who favored the personal weblog liked it for two reasons: she would have better control / ease of access to her notes, and she figured fewer people would read her personal blog.
I don't think I sold blogging very well this semester, and my own drop-off in blogging has been a poor example to my students.
I wanted to post an event from this week's class. I am asking my students to journal for the next 2.5 weeks, and I gave them some options, although as a class we decided on one. About 4 wanted to keep notebooks, I think 4 wanted to keep their personal blog, no one wanted to do the class weblog, and about 9 wanted to keep their notes in the Blackboard group Discussion Board. Blackboard won out because they check it daily or frequently--they prefer one stop shopping. One student who favored the personal weblog liked it for two reasons: she would have better control / ease of access to her notes, and she figured fewer people would read her personal blog.
I don't think I sold blogging very well this semester, and my own drop-off in blogging has been a poor example to my students.
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