
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Useful site called "How Much Information?" . Blogging not accounted for at the time of the study, but the numbers and analysis provided will help us put blogging in context. I 've been re-reading older material about blogging, and noticing the rhetoric of "explosion" and "massive trend," but if there are only 600,000 bloggers and over 600 million web users, it has only been the rapid growth that is explosive, not the overall impact. There is no reason to think that all 600 million and growing are eventually going to blog, is there?

Does that make sense?

I'm trying to think of analogies. If 98% of homes in America have at least one television set, I wonder how many people are involved in community television? Miniscule numbers, I imagine. TV does not encourage production. Web browsing/surfing/Iming etc prompts more response, more DIY activities.

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