
Tuesday, October 15, 2002

to follow up on some earlier questions/comments:

cindy: I have this one:
We've Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture by Editors of Perseus Publishing (Introduction), Rebecca Blood

haven't read the others--seen them advertised.

Your in-class activities sound great. You are the new queen of small-group participation as far as I can tell. I find that I am aware of good techniques, but I forget to deploy them. I fall back on old habits and assume that students will do good work. Gotta started getting smarter about in-class activities.

Sybil, your class blog is rockin'! Nice going. I can see that your persona liberates students in a way that my persona doesn't. Certainly one of the unpredictable aspects of teaching. I keep hoping that your charms and personalities (both you and Cindy) will rub off, but I am teflon. Ahh, heck, I'm just an academic, and I have to accept that. I've been one since I was 14--my favorite book (still one my favorites of all time) was _Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind_.

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