
Wednesday, October 02, 2002

I was surprisingly positive after I finished with conferences. A good number of students finally saw some potential with weblogs when they had to get down to writing the paper. They visited friends weblogs, and lo and behold, a number of relevant sources filtered for them. I have got to learn to be patient! I have got to remember that I am not asking my students to do an easy and transparent thing, and then I need to enjoy the "aahh ha" moment when the light bulb goes on.

I introduced Unit 2 in class today. I realized 45 minutes before class that the essay "Reinventing Adolescent Literacy" is no longer online--I just about lost my lunch. Collected myself, ran to the copier (please don't tell!!!), and made 16 copies of the thing (9 pages long--yikes).

The piece is academic, but really informative. I'm thinking that students are actually starting to see connections. The piece echoes Levinson's "Needed: A New Literacy", but also gets in to specific issues like dealing with marginalized students and whether or not to teach critical literacy. It also argues that students need to be doing the kinds of things we are asking them to do, so I want to say "I told you so." I'll let you know on Friday how discussion goes. Oh, Cindy, I guess you will be there -- IACC 150C.

For Monday I am using a piece called "A New Communication Order" by Ilana Snyder (found on Infotrac. Long and academic, but again, lays out issues nicely and defines "new literacy" in complex ways. I am trying to do a better job of collaborative learning--student teaching with these essays and this unit.

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