
Monday, September 09, 2002

Thanks for the pats on the back, guys !!

We were in IACC 150C today. Good enough room--no computer hang-ups. Got chased out by a fire alarm at the end of class.

Whenever I teach in a CC, I set tasks and then get out of the way. I might be a bit too hands off. Remember in the summer how I was so excited about turning students into power researchers--and PC-Rats--and really opening up the whole world of the internet. Well.... I am not being negative, but being effective searches still seems like a pretty foreign concept for my students. Maybe they just need more time. Maybe I need to ask for "travel reports" as they do their research.

Actually, I did do that, and the first one I got essentially said that after 50 minutes he had found one weblog that he wasn't really very impressed with, and he has read his classmates weblogs and the articles assigned. This might not be representative of the class--I'll let you know as more reports come in. I spent 45 minutes this morning looking for new weblog material online and found a treasure trove of stuff. I'll blog it later, on my own site, and post a link over here.

Sounds like Sybil has some enthusiastic bloggers, but my students have only blogged what I asked them to blog, and only about half of them have even done that. I am really excited that the three of us have 5 sections, and the FSU people seem to have 4 sections. We will be able to, if they want to collaborate, look at some real numbers--175-200 students, perhaps? We should sketch out some potential papers--this research project should yield 2 or 3 at least.

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