
Friday, September 20, 2002

Comments/Responses from Previous Entries:
=A girl in my SocioLinguistics class is a 'something' at the Spectrum so I will ask her if they'd like an article on blogging.. man, my ego would love to write that up. I would have a hard time staying under so many words. AND it may boost the morale that some of our students are lacking. Maybe. (Optimisitic cheerleader has spoken.)
=The book you spoke of, Kevin, The Writing Cure, etc.. sounds great. I will steal it. What don't I steal from you?? Or, ok, borrow?
=Asking them about their engagement of technology in general. Yea.. good idea. Some asked me if I am on Blackboard and I giggled. "I can only keep up with my weblog and website".. most seemed to understand.
=Another insight a former student gave me the other day: My attitude leaks onto them. He said that even though he detested writing pretty much everything (even when I made things FUN!! ugh), he did it to please me because he liked me as a teacher and person. Like a wierd parental thing. So, maybe we have to take that into account. What is your attitude when you walk in the room? Are you smiling? Do you try to make them laugh? Maybe this is my quirky approach to teaching?? Do these sound like corny questions?
=On Tuesday (before giving them Thursday off to blog and brainstorm and gather in groups), I went through Paper One as well as I could.. had them come up with the rubric (a thing Katey and some other grad. students like to do. Do others do this?). MANY said that they should be assessed on making these INTERESTING, include their personal experience as well as quotes, etc from other bloggers.. I really wonder how these papers will go. Hmm. Some are straight from high schools where they all did a big senior research paper- so maybe all will be well with them not starting out with a personal narrative.. altho, this does sorta include that.
=Got an e-mail from a girl in my Comp/Rhet class (e-mailed it to you two also) about setting up a blog for her middle school kids for their literature class. Yippee. I should quit grad. school and travel the country setting up blogs.. teaching about them. All the while, STILL keeping my own. Cool beans.

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