
Thursday, May 09, 2002

I'm going to copy and paste a large chunk of text from Word. This is brainstorming that Cindy did a while ago:

Kevin: do you see students using Dreamweaver for these projects? Or do we let them use any other software or online service they wish? I built my 120 assignment this semester on Dreamweaver, but, if individual students were already proficient in some other software or were using something like gurl.com or whatever, I told them to use that.

I’m just brainstorming.
Description: a version of English 110 founded on electronic literacy theories and emphasizing personal, critical, and creative writing on the web. Students will construct their own autobiographical web sites; explore personal identity in a variety of online assigments; and practice thinking critically about the language and grammar of the internet.

Goals (I’m brainstorming—let me know how these jive with what you have in mind? Make more specific and concrete?) to help students build literacy skills for effective communication in emerging technologies; to help them actively reflect on, and practice proficiency in, the grammars of the web; to help them actively explore new self-representations; to help them enter into dialogue with others who are exploring new self-representations; to help students "become aware of the complexities and contradictions within their own discourse and. . .experiences…" (Selfe and Devoss); to help them practice collaboration and teamwork skills which are often necessary for online communication and for the contemporary "relational" workplace; to foster both critical and creative thinking; to assist in their transition to new spaces for dialogue and the exploration of identity. Also: to help teachers themselves learn about these new spaces and to develop appropriate pedagogies for helping students.

Playing around with class plans. Mystory as focus of whole semester? I can see doing this for the whole term (rather than just a unit). Assignments within mystory to possibly include the stuff you mentioned in email:

ÿ personal journaling
ÿ assorted small assignments ("dense moments"; "wide imaging"; etc.)
ÿ weblog
ÿ essay comparing personal homepages, weblogs, or mystories (I think this is important. Get them reflecting and analyzing)
ÿ reading journal, to include individual as well as collaborative or dialogic responses to readings
ÿ essay reflecting on the role of writing in self-formation (end of term?)

Or instead do a homepage which links off to mystory and all/some of the other stuff? How do you see the plan for this thing?

Mandatory (?) readings: DeVoss and Selfe, Blood, maybe Gergen and Vivian.

Optional (?) additional readings to be chosen by teacher. (I’d probably use Bone. Girl, Interuppted. Other stuff. I don’t know. We can be compiling a list of recommendations?)

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